Dec 27, 2008

Happy Holidays from Eric Dyck!

Happy Holidays and a big "thank you!" to everyone out there for your support and interest!

Its been an exciting and busy year and the new year is shaping up to be full of surprises, wonderment and cups of coffee.

All the best to you & yours...

Christmas illos

You know its time to spend more time with "people" when a client emails you a family photo, and you think to yourself, "Hey! I know that dog!". Yikes.

A local "Toon Portrait" for the holidays...clients appreciate the fun and warm drawings that exist happily between formal portraiture and the extreme goofiness of all-out-caricature.
I was pretty careful to make sure the baby came out cuter than the dog!

Merry Christmas everyone!

Dec 26, 2008

Christmas Card Illo

A greeting card featuring Izzy & Emma, our Nora's doggy girlfriends. I'm really pleased with how the energy and personality of the dogs turned out!

Happy Holidays from Mon Qui Towne!

Happy Holidays and a big "thank you!" to everyone out there for your support and interest!

Its been an exciting and busy year and the new year is shaping up to be full of surprises, wonderment and cups of coffee.

All the best to you & yours...

Nov 29, 2008

Winter awaits!

Blustery weather is making sure I stay inside...a great excuse to update the blog!

I've been busy on the "big" project, but I'll post a few more peeks! I have several other projects to share, but I won't be putting them online until after the holidays (wouldn't want to spoil any surprises, right?)!

Nov 20, 2008

Mon Qui Towne

Just a reminder that my comic has several new strips, here's a link to the viewer!

Nov 1, 2008

MQT #18: Spider-banned

Settle down, settle down...of course I gave the kid some candy!

Oct 23, 2008

Hollerween 2008!

LinkIts that time again! New zombie print for sale at Looks Can Kill in Calgary, Tart Gallery in Vancouver or by emailing me.

Also for sale is last year's Zombie lovers for $25 plus shipping...

Oct 19, 2008

New Jam poster

C'est le Monkeytown Comix Jam: Monday, October 27 at the Laundromat (corner St.-George and Cameron.)

Les jams commencent vers 19h/jams start around 7pm.

Catch toi there!

Oct 15, 2008

Wedding Illos

Congratulations to my lil' brother and new lil' sister-in-law! They kindly asked me to design their wedding invites, and were even brave enough to let me do the lettering!

The RSVP card:

The inevitable powerpoint of baby bottoms and goofy school photos was a wedding highlight, and I was asked to whip up some title screens for the slideshow segments.

Thanks to the happy couple and we all wish them all the best!

Sep 7, 2008


A retro logo for Strong Residential in Calgary, AB. A lot of fun to make...I sure wish them all the best in a very crazy building market!

Thanks again to Kate and Adam...

UPDATE: I'm hearing tattoo rumours...I'll keep you posted! ha ha

Aug 4, 2008

Monkeytown Comix Jam!

Well...Tim and I finally have the comix jam blog up n' running...feel free to check it out at:

**careful kids, some of the language is a little salty.
Cartoonists are coarse, crude and often somewhat smelly.**

Tim asked me to do this current poster, and I based it on some very amusing panels from a jam a few months ago.


Front of an invite for a local long-weekend food/camping extravaganza!
Hope this little event survived this rainy weekend!

Thanks to Joshawa!

More Progress Inks

Ink is flying, eraser shavings everywhere...the dog keeps stealing reference photos off the floor...

Here are some more peeks at the big project in progress...hopefully I'll be able to post some full pics soon!

Jul 26, 2008

Jul 20, 2008


Well...I've given it a test run and am happy with the comic-viewing capabilities of the website, and will focus the comic posting there. That said, I prefer the RSS capabilities of and I guess I just like bloggin' I will announce each new comic here...with a link to the comic thumbnail.

Um...thats the end of my Wordpress adventures ("boo!")...Stick around for all things "blogger"...Hurrah!

Enjoy my sporadic posts and whimsical wonderment...

May 19, 2008

Progress Inks

Time to post an update on a big project I'm working on...I haven't cleaned up the ink yet, and this is only 1/2 of the composition, but a good indication of where the project is headed!

MQT #12: Free Comic Book Daze

Wow...Free Comic Book Day sure brings out the best and WORST in people! All in all I had a blast...I had the pleasure of introducing many kids to make-you-own-micro-comics for the first time! One kid was blown away, "You mean that I get to DRAW too??".

How do these Comic Con sketchers do it month after month? It was exhausting, but very rewarding...

See you next year!

All images © Eric Dyck 2008

Apr 29, 2008

May 3 is Free Comic Book Day

I will be at Gamezilla in Moncton for Free Comic Book Day. Come on down and say "Hi!" and make some comics, do some sketches...might even be making some Artist Trading Cards (Moncton really needs to get on board with those!).

See you there!

Apr 26, 2008

Frye Festival Fun

An article on the Frye Festival in Moncton this year. I was more than happy to participate as a volunteer, presenter and audience member! Met some amazing people, hoping to see some work from new aquaintences and learned a lot from all of the cartoonists, animators, poets and writers!

The article is here.

Apr 25, 2008

MQT #11: Chipping Away At Winter

All images © Eric Dyck 2008 can tell I'm getting behind when the snow is melting faster than my "snow is melting" comics are getting posted!

This old man was diligently chipping away at the ice in his driveway...sitting on a milkcrate. For all I know, he's still there, chipping away at the asphalt...

Mar 14, 2008

Spring Thaw

Hey everyone, Yes! I am still around...drawing and trying to stay warm! Why did I organize my studio space so far from the woodstove?

There are a few projects on the go right now, at various stages of development...a big project that is in its early sketch stages is an exciting research experience (thank goodness for google books) as well as an intruiging fusion of my education and cartooning backgrounds.

Here is a little peek at some of that project's upcoming imagery:

I am really enjoying getting to meet all of the cartooning and art stars in our new home city...and have been welcomed into the community enthusiastically.

A nearby rural school (home to Scott Tingley of Comics in the Classroom fame) has seemingly adopted me (!) as one of their own...and we had a wonderful time working together and I look forward to further workshops and opportunities to collaborate with all these great kids.

(photo from RCS)

One of the workshops involved working with the Grade 3s on their logo for a website full of their comics, writing and other literacy projects...eventually we all agreed on some ideas for the lettering and I produced a banner for the website based on all of the wonderfully quirky ideas:

Mar 3, 2008

Feb 19, 2008

Eric in Ion Magazine

Well, its sure nice to see someone else talking about me for a change!

Ion Magazine out of Vancouver has a slick new web-interface and optional .pdf download...and the first issue featuring the new site showcases some of my gigposters. Thanks to Trevor Risk and Ion.

Feb 15, 2008

Feb 5, 2008

2008 Valentines Show

A big thank you to Kipling West for her coordination of the Valentines show down at Looks Could Kill in Calgary!

My contribution is for sale at the gallery or you are welcome to contact it is, my tragic little robo-romeo:

Happy Valentines Day!

Jan 28, 2008


Ever get the feeling that somehow...somewhere...TOMB is watching you?

Here goes:

Jan 20, 2008

Kevin McDonald in FFWD

Cover and inside illo for FFWD magazine. Kevin McDonald of Kids in the Hall fame is in Calgary, AB with his one man show based on his childhood. Kevin previously covered this ground with Kids in the Hall's Daddy Drank sketch, which I mostly used for reference images. I've read that the only fictional part of that sketch was the tap shoes...which is quite unsettling.

Jan 4, 2008

Eric the Comic Stripper

I've finally found a home for the comic strip I started this year...its still in its infant stages, but here we go! Each strip is based either wholly or in part on conversations had/overheard and people I've met here in our new home in Moncton, NB. The conversations usually end up with a hearty "How d'ya like THAT, Alberta-boy??", but I haven't found it necessary to include that...

Here's the link...
If you think your home paper, alt-weekly, etc would be a happy home for Mon Qui Towne, please contact me @

Thanks to Scott & BOOM magazine for giving me an excuse to get started...